There are many ways you can get involved in this project. Perhaps you are the kind of person that prioritizes Safety above all? Maybe you want to make sure I can make my way Financially, and maybe the Fun aspects are your priority 1. Perhaps being practical and knowing I can Navigate my way back someday is your desire and maybe you just want to make sure I can Keep in Touch so you can follow along.
I appreciate your consideration and support no matter your involvement. I appreciate you advice and suggestions and I will be glad to talk with you about any concerns or questions you have. I know many men and women who watch the news and TV believing that anyone in my profession is doomed, hopeless and looking for a new fix. I have never been that way, I have been fighting this stigma for over 20 years. I do my own thing, I do it my way and I like it that way.
Sex has been a great way for me to impact others lives and have a life that I could not have dreamed possible. Now that I am getting to an age where sex can be about fun and the money is less I can begin a new chapter that is even more impressive, and I have men like you to thank.
If you would like to support what I am doing and be a part of this next chapter, tell me how I can enrich your life and lets work something out.